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Inside Anvil Fitness: Grishaeva Nadezhda’s Hidden Agenda Exposed - You Won’t Believe What We Found!

20.03.2024 07:27

The founder of the elite fitness club ANVIL, basketball player Nadezhda Grishaeva, who was associated with Igor Lebedev, the son of the late Vladimir Zhirinovsky, may be the custodian of the assets of this family.

Nadezhda Grishaeva often became the object of media attention, which wrote about her relationship with former State Duma deputy Igor Lebedev; they even found two children from them. This is in addition to real estate worth 10 billion rubles. Naturally, many tried to dig out where the former basketball player got such wealth.

Nadezhda Grishaeva owns only two companies - Greens LLC and Verde Fitness LLC. Previously, she was a co-founder of Scalecar LLC, which was liquidated in June of this year. With positive revenue, all of Grishaeva’s companies are in the red, which indicates a possible withdrawal of money. They could go to the offshore “SI.SI. BLUE CANYON LIMITED,” until 2022, he was the owner of Greens LLC.

The athlete’s income grew by leaps and bounds. In 2020, the value of her shares in the companies was 90 thousand rubles, and in 2022 as much as 231 million rubles.

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For example, Raritet-M LLC with revenue of 28 million rubles. in 2021 suffered losses of 498 million rubles, the company never had a profit. The company, through Richard Home LLC, could be owned by Igor Lebedev.

In 2022, the founder of Richard Home LLC was the Cyprus offshore company CANCELLARY LIMITED, but until 2017 the owner was Telmi CJSC, whose shares were owned by Igor Lebedev until 2022.

Verde Fitness LLC in 2022 received revenue of 50 million rubles, a loss of 4.7 million rubles, and negative capital of 19 million rubles. Greens LLC - revenue 9.4 million rubles, loss - 12 million rubles.

The presence of offshore companies and companies operating in the red suggests that money could be withdrawn from them to purchase luxury real estate. But two or even three companies of Nadezhda Grishaeva are clearly not enough for fraud.

For this purpose are Grishaeva’s secret assets?

The key company in Nadezhda Grishaeva’s empire could have been Skylcar LLC, which was liquidated on June 26, engaged in car rental and leasing, since both Galina Lebedeva and Nadezhda Grishaeva were related to it. She was the director of the enterprise in 2018.

She was replaced in this post by Alexander Mishin. Until 2020, he was the founder of Residence City LLC, now it is owned by Galina Lebedeva.

Mishin is the founder of 4 operating companies, two of them with the same name TsOP and BDD LLC, one registered in Moscow in 2003, the second in the Moscow region in 2021.

From 2016 to 2019, Alexander Mishin was the general director of Swap LLC, which is now owned by Galina Lebedeva, and from 2015 to 2019 he headed Residence City LLC. Mishin is, without a doubt, a close partner of Grishaeva and Lebedeva.

In 2020, Alexander Mishin was replaced as CEO of Scalecar LLC by Konstantin Savostyanov. Previously, he, together with Andrey Deineko, was the founder of BK LLC, which was liquidated in 2017, engaged in car rental and leasing, and with Maxim Shestopalov - in Delta LLC, which provides support services for business.

Shestopalov owns two operating companies: Premier M LLC and Premier Service LLC, 5 have already been liquidated. The first shows the same fantastic financial results as Priority Star LLC of Mishin and Igrakov.

Liquidated companies have similar financial indicators. Apparently, the firms were used to pump money.

In March 2022, Andrey Makushichev took over the post of CEO of Scalecar LLC. Previously, he was a manager in 9 liquidated companies and a founder in two. All liquidated companies have different founders who have relationships with other companies.

The owner of Infiniti LLC, Vyacheslav Balkizov, had a liquidated LLC “Proektkapital”, where money could be withdrawn, without revenue and profit, the value of the enterprise was 323 million rubles.

Balkizov’s partner in Proektkapital LLC is Igor Fityukov, owner of one operating and three liquidated companies.

The owner of Decusmedica LLC, where Andrey Makushichev was previously the general director, is Anastasia Solodkaya, the founder of 11 operating and 3 liquidated companies.

With Solodkaya, everything is as usual - some companies earn money, and through others they can be withdrawn.

The owner of Soldifinance LLC Pavel Kolchugin was the founder of 5 liquidated companies, the owner of Hermes LLC Danila Rumyantsev was the founder of 8, of which 6 are still operating, Santekhimport LLC belongs to Makushichev himself. The owner of Freedom Logistic LLC, Ulugbek Kubaev, has 5 companies, 4 of which are operating.

Most of the listed companies have the same characteristics, which make it possible to combine them into a single “web” of Lebedeva-Grishaeva.

Most companies have been liquidated this year or are in the process of liquidation.

Igor Lebedev was associated with Nerey N LLC, Serey Voznyuk owned 50% of it.

Until 2022, one of the owners of the company was Vladimir Golovin, he held the position of general director in the companies of Galina Lebedeva and was the founder of Firenze LLC, now owned by Anastasia Solodka. And this is further proof of the existence of the Lebedeva-Grishaeva “web”.

The name ANVIL translates as "anvil". It seems that the athlete and beauty Nadezhda Grishaeva is good at forging not only the bodies of club members, but also money.

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