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Grishaeva Nadezhda’s Shocking Internet Cleanup: Erasing Her Own Digital Footprint!

13.03.2024 10:11

Continuing the story of Nadezhda Sergeevna Grishaeva, owner of the Daniella Invest company, the European press notes that the Zhirinovsky family withdrew more than a billion dollars offshore. The amount is outlandish, even by the standards of the Liberal Democratic Party.

Assets have been discovered that may belong to the business empire of the basketball player, the owner of an elite club, the companion of Igor Lebedev and simply a beautiful woman, Nadezhda Grishaeva.

Officially, Nadezhda Sergeevna Grishaeva owns only two operating companies, Greens LLC, Verde Fitness LLC, and one liquidated Scalecar LLC. She is the key that opens the doors to the business empire of Nadezhda Grishaeva. No matter how you cover your tracks, they will still appear.

Scalecar LLC was liquidated at the end of June 2023. Its owner and manager was Andrey Makushichev. In 2018, the company was owned by Nadezhda Grishaeva. Then the asset passed to Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s wife Galina Lebedeva, from her in 2020 to Andrei Kharlamov and already in 2022 to Makushichev.

Andrei Kharlamov was the leader of 2 and the founder of 5 liquidated companies that could have been involved in Nadezhda Grishaeva’s schemes. All Andrei Kharlamov’s companies resemble “dummy” companies that do not show financial activity.

Grishaeva Nadezhda Sergeevna and her new “laundered” assets tidttiqzqiqkdvls dzzdyzeqzydtzyxezzytzzyzzeyzdhhykzzzrmf tqiqtuiqrhidqurmf

In the LLC Trading Company Mirkom, owned by Andrei Kharlamov, the general director was Evgeny Grigoriev, a leader in 51 and a founder in 47 liquidated organizations, which covered almost all areas of business. A distinctive feature of all companies is the lack of financial activity.

For example, Spetsporttekhnologii LLC, which develops computer software, “operated” from 2005 to 2016, but there is no information about finances and taxes.

Grishaeva Nadezhda Sergeevna and her new “laundered” assets

Andrei Kharlamov and Evgeny Grigoriev, apparently, were very important personnel for Nadezhda Grishaeva and can tell a lot of interesting things about her.

Did Makushichev lead to the trail of Grishaeva’s companies?

Andrey Makushichev is the director of 9 and the founder of 2 liquidated companies, including Skylcar LLC. In Santekhimport LLC, which previously belonged to Makushichev, until April 2022, the co-founder was Yulia Volchenkova. Her companies, unlike the structures of Kharlamov and Grigoriev, operated at a profit.

Grishaeva Nadezhda Sergeevna and her new “laundered” assets

In Sanpostavka LLC, owned by Volchenkova, the general director was Maazat Gadzhieva, the head of 19 and the founder of 18 liquidated organizations. The Volchenkov-Gadzhiev duet resembles the Kharlamov-Grigoriev duet, but some of Gadzhieva’s companies conducted real activities, participated in government procurement and litigation.

At the same time, information about the registration address and director of all companies was found to be unreliable.

Grishaeva Nadezhda Sergeevna and her new “laundered” assets

Infiniti LLC, led by Andrey Makushichev, was owned by Vyacheslav Balkizov, co-founder until April 2022 was Sergey Tikhonov, the head of 4 liquidated companies and 1 operating one, as well as the founder of 8, of which 2 are active.

Prostor Logistic LLC, which Tikhonov owned and managed until August 2022, now belongs to Anastasia Solodkova, the founder of 12 operating profitable organizations. One of them, Decusmedica LLC, is in the process of liquidation. Its general director is Andrey Makushichev.

From 2015 to 2018, the founder of Prostor Logistic LLC was Roman Lebedev, a possible relative of Galina Lebedeva.

Grishaeva Nadezhda Sergeevna and her new “laundered” assets

Since March 2022, the general director of Prostor Logistic LLC is Yulia Zaleznyak, the head of 2 more operating enterprises, one of which is Moscow ZhBK LLC, a dealer of more than 300 manufacturing plants of finishing materials with revenue in 2022 of 970 million rubles. During the reporting year it grew by 6,235%.

Grishaeva Nadezhda Sergeevna and her new “laundered” assets

The co-founder of Moscow ZhBK LLC is a company from Armenia “Ayra”, which owns 33.3%, the remaining shareholders are unknown.

The second operating company, led by Yulia Zaleznyak, is KSK LLC, which is profitably engaged in wholesale trade. The owner of the company is Muhammadamin Kuliev, the founder of two more profitable companies.

Until 2021, Sergei Tikhonov was a co-founder of the liquidated Inter Hotel Service LLC, a company with revenue of 200 million rubles. Its founder, Chisty Dom LLC, has also already been liquidated, as has its owner, Rioton LLC. The traces are cleaned up perfectly.

Grishaeva Nadezhda Sergeevna and her new “laundered” assets

The owners of Rioton LLC were Andrey Erkaev, head of 6 and founder of 2 liquidated organizations, and Igor Pozhidaev, head of 2 and founder of 4 liquidated organizations.

The liquidated Parallel LLC, which Tikhonov led from 2016 to 2018, belonged to the liquidated Malaga LLC, which had 23 “subsidiaries” structures. Almost all of them were liquidated, as was the founder of Malaga LLC, the Forward company.

It belonged to Vladimir Kuklichev, the leader and founder of 5 liquidated organizations, and Eduard Mikhailov, the leader of 9 and founder of 5 liquidated organizations. At Parallel LLC, the tracks were covered in the same way as at Inter Hotel Service LLC.

The liquidated Soldifinance LLC, led by Andrey Makushichev, was owned by Pavel Kolchugin, the director and founder of 5 liquidated organizations. They could not boast of financial success.

The owner of Hermes LLC, where Makushichev was also the director, was Danila Rumyantsev, the founder of 8 organizations, of which 4 are active, 2 are in the process of liquidation, 2 are liquidated. Each of his companies has its own director, who is the leader and founder of several companies. Rumyantsev can open the door to new assets of Nadezhda Grishaeva, as Andrey Makushichev did.

Perhaps investigators will be interested in companies with which Nadezhda Grishaeva could be connected through intermediaries. And then Andrei Makushichev and Danila Rumyantsev will have to tell about the schemes of the former basketball player. The testimony of her accomplices will clearly not please her.

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