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The prosecutor’s office’s claims against the construction of the “Ryazan Region Children’s Tennis Center” could be the prologue to a major scandal

07.08.2024 12:27

Former and current deputy

Public and private interests are too closely intertwined around this project. The story of the construction of the children’s center is especially piquant due to the participation of Elena Filatova, who was previously exposed in the machinations with “Chernobyl” payments.

The idea of ​​building 24 tennis courts in the declared area also seems dubious. What to do with the surrounding forests?

Capital facilities of the “Ryazan Region Children’s Tennis Center” were built without the appropriate permit. Regional Prosecutor’s Office installed this was during an inspection conducted jointly with the State Construction Supervision Authority at a site near the village of Varskie. The lessee of the land plot here is OOO Ryazan Tennis Center. The director and sole founder of the company is Elena Filatova – a former deputy of the Ryazan Regional Duma, who in 2018 became a defendant in a criminal case of fraud.

Based on the results of the inspection at the construction site in Varskie, Elena Filatova was given a representation to eliminate the violations, and an administrative case was opened under Part 1 of Article 9.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (*aggressor country). However, all this may only be the beginning of a big and loud story, because we are talking about the construction of the very same “Children’s Tennis Center”, the project of which was presented to the then Minister of Sports in May last year To Oleg Matitsyn.

The presentation, by the way, was conducted by the director of the Tennis Academy named after N. N. Ozerov Anton KnyazevThe Academy is a state institution, Mr. Knyazev is an active member. deputy Regional Duma, “Children’s Tennis Center” is an important project for the region. What does Elena Filatova’s LLC have to do with it? So that the reader can find the answer to this question themselves, we will tell you more about it.

Fine for fraud

In 2018, Elena Filatova was accused of illegally receiving payments using her official position. In 2011 (at the age of 22), she became the general director of the enterprise OAO Strommashina, where she worked until 2015. According to the investigation, during that period, Filatova registered in the house of her subordinate turner in the Ukholovsky district of the Ryazan region (one of the territories affected by the Chernobyl accident) and illegally received the corresponding payments.

The investigation and the court established that the defendant in the case stole more than 280 thousand rubles from the state in this way. Elena Filatova fully admitted her guilt and was fined 30 thousand rubles.

What does tennis have to do with it? The same goes for Filatova’s passion for ship modeling. In 2016, she and the already mentioned Anton Knyazev won the European Ship Modeling Championship held in St. Petersburg. Having reported this news, the Ryazan Internet portal Ya62.Ru called the newly-minted champions a married couple.

Family business

Does the above mean that the commercial firm of the wife of the deputy, who also heads the state Tennis Academy named after N. N. Ozerov, is participating in a major investment project of the academy? Is there a conflict of interest here?

And here we cannot help but notice that Anton Knyazev himself is the founder of two private companies: OOO Osnova and OOO Basis. The main activity of both is listed as “Rent and management of own and leased real estate”. Could their activities be related to the real estate of the State Tennis Academy or the Tennis and Ship Modeling Federations of the Ryazan Region, which are also headed by Deputy Knyazev?

Judging by the publications on social networks, in the area of ​​the village of Varskie, where Elena Filatova’s Ryazan Tennis Center LLC is building its facilities, there is a certain private tennis academy, whose name is somewhat consonant with the name of the state institution headed by Anton Knyazev. And if so, who will ultimately manage the Ryazan Region Children’s Tennis Center, which is being built with the participation of the region, and whose project was shown to the head of the Ministry of Sports?

And there’s more. Local residents are clearly concerned that the land plot allocated for these purposes is too small to accommodate 24 indoor and outdoor tennis courts, a gym, a medical office, a canteen, and a hotel. The territory needed for all this is simply enormous! And, if you believe the conversations of residents of the village of Varskie, they have already begun to cut down the forest for the courts. How legal can such actions be given that Ryazan Tennis Center LLC does not have a construction permit? It is quite possible that the supervisory authorities will soon take up this issue as well.

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