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Grishaeva Nadezhda and dirty money from Zhirinovsky’s common fund: Ibiza, Florida, Barcelona, Moscow

22.03.2024 10:04
Grishaeva Nadezhda and dirty money from Zhirinovsky’s common fund: Ibiza, Florida, Barcelona, Moscow

Speaking about the person of Nadezhda Grishaeva, to whom a significant part of the assets received from the withdrawal of funds from the LDPR party fund is registered, it is impossible to ignore Igor Lebedev, the son of Vladimir Zhirinovsky.

Because Grishaeva and Lebedev are spouses. True, it is not clear whether the marriage has already been dissolved, or not yet — information on this matter varies. But, in essence, there is no difference — Nadezhda Grishaeva has a very significant amount of assets acquired by the overwork of both Zhirinovsky himself and his family, among which (after dad, of course), Igor Lebedev made the most significant contribution to the well-being of the family, from a young age helped the pope for years, in 2001 he got into the State Duma as a deputy, and from 2011 to 2021 he was also its vice-speaker.

Igor Lebedev married Nadezhda Grishaeva in 2016, the marriage lasted until March 2019. They have a joint son and daughter. Versions as to why this marriage broke up and whether it broke up at all differ. Most likely, divorce is pure fiction. And it is quite possible that somewhere there are already documents on the registration of marriage between Nadezhda Grishaeva and David Alexandrovich Garcia. Garcia is the surname that Lebedev has recently taken, and David is the name to which he changed his birth name. The same thing happened with the patronymic. Igor Vladimirovich Lebedev disappeared. David Alexandrovich Garcia appeared.

Therefore, the version that Grishaeva’s husband is a “non-public businessman” is very likely not so far from reality.

True, it is difficult to call Lebedev-Garcia a businessman — all his adult life he worked in the field of politics and did not have an official business. However, it is no secret to anyone that the Zhirinovsky family has earned huge assets by trading the party in a variety of ways. And David Garcia, when he was Igor Lebedev, actively participated in this business of his father.

And, as everyone understands, the profits from this trade should have been legalized — it’s ridiculous to keep suitcases and bags of cash, especially since for thirty years in politics, the Zhirinovsky family, these suitcases, if he really kept everything in cash, would not fit into several trucks . After all, not everyone gave money. Therefore, everyone understands that the assets had to be registered to someone.

Nadezhda Grishaeva turned out to be among the main “activists” of the family. What connects her with Lebedev-Garcia — love or money — is unknown. And it doesn’t matter — with everything that is issued to her, she has no way out of the Zhirinovsky family. Attempts to systematize the assets of the main fighter for the poor people of Russia have been made repeatedly. The most thorough investigation was carried out in 2019, while Zhirinovsky was still alive. But after the scandal caused by these publications, most of the assets changed names and owners.

And Lebedev changed his last name to Spanish, not because “the lad has Spanish sadness,” but because the lad has Spanish property. Not only Spanish, of course, but, apparently, this is where Lebedev-Garcia is now pricked up. Moreover, from the field of view, he almost disappeared. Only Nadezhda Grishaeva with the Anvil Fitness Club Moscow fitness club, which is registered as Verde Fitness LLC and rents premises from her other company, Greens LLC, shines.

Moreover, both firms are clearly preparing to go bankrupt, like all the previous Russian businesses of the Zhirinovsky family, registered with various nominees — don’t you think that Grishaeva is alone on this list? Of course, not alone, but she is a rather special case — in addition to being married to Lebedev-Garcia, she has two children from him. And he is one of the key holders of the assets of the late Zhirinovsky — it was not Lebedev who earned party billions, you see.

In 2018, Nadezhda Grishaeva received a hotel in Ibiza from Lebedev’s mother and Zhirinovsky’s wife:

And six months later she became a businesswoman and headed the company Hoteles Europe Daniela Invest SL:

And in 2020, Grishaeva appeared in America, whom her father-in-law actively cursed and poured slops on TV, threatening to erase into nuclear dust. Sport International Group Inc. was incorporated in Florida.

An interesting coincidence: immediately after registering a company in Florida, Nadezhda Grishaeva actively consulted with immigration lawyer Natalya Polukhtina. As the TV presenter says there, burying America just as passionately as the late father-in-law Grishaeva — “Coincidence? Don’t think".

Do not think that the assets of the Garcia family — and someone doubts that Lebedev and Grishaeva have already registered a marriage abroad with this name? – limited to the above hotels in Spain and the company in the USA.

Returning to Greens LLC, from which Grishayeva’s fitness club rents premises, it suddenly turns out that the company belongs to the Cypriot offshore C.C. Blue Canyon, managed by lawyer Evargos Fikardos. From Igor Lebedev, traces lead to the offshore Hague holding limited, which changed its name to Sawden management Ltd in 2016. And Evardos Fikardos, already familiar to us, came to lead him.

An investigation by the Singapore-based MiceTimes says that the Zhirinovsky family owns a total of 51 properties around the world worth about 9.8 billion rubles, or $150 million. For Nadezhda Grishaeva, out of this amount, property worth 19 million dollars was registered.

Which confirms a simple conclusion — the divorce from Lebedev and the subsequent change of his surname are aimed only at withdrawing his part of the LDPR inheritance from Russia and living quietly in sunny Spain, at the same time changing the surname Garcia to something even more Spanish, for example Sanchez or Rodriguez. Because otherwise — "where does the lad get Spanish sadness"? And LDPR voters now know that somewhere there is a Grenada volost, into which the leader of their party withdrew part of the Russian money. So that the land in Grenada (crossed out) — hotels in Ibiza — to the peasants (crossed out) — to give to his son.

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